About Tarragon Smith work
この度UNDECORATEDでは、イギリスを拠点に活動するアーティストTarragon Smith(タラゴン・スミス)氏の陶芸作品を取り扱うことになりました。
ここでは、Tarragon Smith氏に、作家としての自身の背景や想いなどを伺った内容をお伝えします。
―まずは自己紹介をお願いします。/Could you introduce a little bit of yourself?
Tarragon氏(以下タラゴン): タラゴン・スミスです。出身はカナダで、ロンドン芸術大学のセントラル・セイント・マーチンズでMFA(美術学修士)を取得するために渡英し、現在はノーフォークとケンブリッジを拠点に活動しています。
Tarragon: I am Tarragon Smith. I was a painter. I still am a painter. I came from Canada to the U.K. to take a MFA at Central Saint Martins. I’m currently based between Norfolk and Cambridge.
―陶芸家になったきっかけを教えてもらえますか?/ What made you start being a ceramicist?
タラゴン: いつからか分からないくらい前から感覚的に粘土を使って作品を作る難しさを楽しんでいる自分がいました。そこから自分の中で何かが変わり、作陶を始めるようになりました。
Tarragon: I do not know any longer. It seems so long ago. Something changed, or I changed, and I was making pots on the wheel one day. I enjoyed the problem solving of making things in clay.
―ご自身の作品の特徴はなんでしょうか?/ What is unique about your products?
タラゴン: 過去に作ったものとは異なる作品を生み出すために、制作の過程で同じことを繰り返さないように心がけています。それが作品一つひとつに独自性と個性を吹き込んでいると思っています。
Tarragon: I make my work to be different from each other, from what came before. It is inherently unique because I never try to repeat myself. I probably do so by accident but generally I try not to repeat myself. Also, perhaps this is what you meant, I have a pretty good grasp of world art history and this must influence my aesthetics and interests.
―あなたが考える仕事に対する情熱とはなんでしょうか?/Please tell me about your passion for your work.
Tarragon: Passion is another word for good work ethic, another word for ambition. Passion is ingrained in a desire for success. I suppose the drive for success necessitates a vision. There must be an idea that we work towards, even if it is always changing and running over the horizon.
―あなたの最大のインスピレーション源は?/What is your greatest source of inspiration?
タラゴン: 「古いものや使い古されたもの」が大好きで、それらから多大なインスピレーションを受けています。 私の作品には、たとえそれが昨日作った作品だとしても歴史を感じる工芸品のような感覚を持たせたいと思っていますし、手にした人が作品の背景や幻想を思い浮かべたり、感じたりしてくれたら嬉しいです。
Tarragon: I love the old and the used. I try to imbue my work with a sense of being an artefact, even if it was only made yesterday. I want my pots to speak to people about the hands that made them. I want my pots to excite peoples’ imagination, like a story half hidden.
―日本の美術や工芸についての印象は?/What do you think about Japanese art and Craftwork?
タラゴン: みなさんと同じように、私も日本の美術や工芸品は美しく、高い技術によって作られていると思っています。なおかつ、その歴史には様々な想像力やロマンが詰まっていて、主体性と調和という一見相反するセンスが絶妙なバランスを保って存在しているように感じます。
Tarragon: Like everyone else, I think Japanese art and craft is beautiful and skilfully done. Its history is full of imagination and romance. There seems to be a strange dichotomy between individuality and collectivism. Perhaps most important to me is an aesthetic understanding of space that is many hundreds of years old, most easily seen in gardens and paintings, that wasn’t really approached in the west until the 19th century. It is liberating. As a teenager I would look up at trees and see all the leaves upon leaves hanging from them in summer, and I would look at all the space between the leaves, painters call it negative space, and I had an intuition that the leaves, so green and strong and certain, could not exist without the space between them. The space between leaves.
―アーティストとして将来やりたいことを教えてもらえますか?/ What would you like to do in the future as an artist?
Tarragon: I don’t know. Go back to the brush. Make things differently. I just built myself a new studio. It is very small and I made it entirely by myself. It’s a real building. Takes us space just like a pot does. I just want to keep making, learning about myself, about my own understanding of beauty.
―今回UNDECORATEDで発売する作品に関して何かひと言いただけますか?/If you have specific word, please tell me about your products which we bought.
Tarragon: I have no words for these cups. They are artefacts. The result of a moment in time. They are better than words.
Photography by Zuza Grubecka
―Tarragon Smith
ここでは、Tarragon Smith氏に、作家としての自身の背景や想いなどを伺った内容をお伝えします。
―まずは自己紹介をお願いします。/Could you introduce a little bit of yourself?
Tarragon氏(以下タラゴン): タラゴン・スミスです。出身はカナダで、ロンドン芸術大学のセントラル・セイント・マーチンズでMFA(美術学修士)を取得するために渡英し、現在はノーフォークとケンブリッジを拠点に活動しています。
Tarragon: I am Tarragon Smith. I was a painter. I still am a painter. I came from Canada to the U.K. to take a MFA at Central Saint Martins. I’m currently based between Norfolk and Cambridge.
―陶芸家になったきっかけを教えてもらえますか?/ What made you start being a ceramicist?
タラゴン: いつからか分からないくらい前から感覚的に粘土を使って作品を作る難しさを楽しんでいる自分がいました。そこから自分の中で何かが変わり、作陶を始めるようになりました。
Tarragon: I do not know any longer. It seems so long ago. Something changed, or I changed, and I was making pots on the wheel one day. I enjoyed the problem solving of making things in clay.
―ご自身の作品の特徴はなんでしょうか?/ What is unique about your products?
タラゴン: 過去に作ったものとは異なる作品を生み出すために、制作の過程で同じことを繰り返さないように心がけています。それが作品一つひとつに独自性と個性を吹き込んでいると思っています。
Tarragon: I make my work to be different from each other, from what came before. It is inherently unique because I never try to repeat myself. I probably do so by accident but generally I try not to repeat myself. Also, perhaps this is what you meant, I have a pretty good grasp of world art history and this must influence my aesthetics and interests.
―あなたが考える仕事に対する情熱とはなんでしょうか?/Please tell me about your passion for your work.
Tarragon: Passion is another word for good work ethic, another word for ambition. Passion is ingrained in a desire for success. I suppose the drive for success necessitates a vision. There must be an idea that we work towards, even if it is always changing and running over the horizon.
―あなたの最大のインスピレーション源は?/What is your greatest source of inspiration?
タラゴン: 「古いものや使い古されたもの」が大好きで、それらから多大なインスピレーションを受けています。 私の作品には、たとえそれが昨日作った作品だとしても歴史を感じる工芸品のような感覚を持たせたいと思っていますし、手にした人が作品の背景や幻想を思い浮かべたり、感じたりしてくれたら嬉しいです。
Tarragon: I love the old and the used. I try to imbue my work with a sense of being an artefact, even if it was only made yesterday. I want my pots to speak to people about the hands that made them. I want my pots to excite peoples’ imagination, like a story half hidden.
―日本の美術や工芸についての印象は?/What do you think about Japanese art and Craftwork?
タラゴン: みなさんと同じように、私も日本の美術や工芸品は美しく、高い技術によって作られていると思っています。なおかつ、その歴史には様々な想像力やロマンが詰まっていて、主体性と調和という一見相反するセンスが絶妙なバランスを保って存在しているように感じます。
Tarragon: Like everyone else, I think Japanese art and craft is beautiful and skilfully done. Its history is full of imagination and romance. There seems to be a strange dichotomy between individuality and collectivism. Perhaps most important to me is an aesthetic understanding of space that is many hundreds of years old, most easily seen in gardens and paintings, that wasn’t really approached in the west until the 19th century. It is liberating. As a teenager I would look up at trees and see all the leaves upon leaves hanging from them in summer, and I would look at all the space between the leaves, painters call it negative space, and I had an intuition that the leaves, so green and strong and certain, could not exist without the space between them. The space between leaves.
―アーティストとして将来やりたいことを教えてもらえますか?/ What would you like to do in the future as an artist?
Tarragon: I don’t know. Go back to the brush. Make things differently. I just built myself a new studio. It is very small and I made it entirely by myself. It’s a real building. Takes us space just like a pot does. I just want to keep making, learning about myself, about my own understanding of beauty.
―今回UNDECORATEDで発売する作品に関して何かひと言いただけますか?/If you have specific word, please tell me about your products which we bought.
Tarragon: I have no words for these cups. They are artefacts. The result of a moment in time. They are better than words.
Photography by Zuza Grubecka
―Tarragon Smith